Success through acting as a career requires major shifts in thinking about talent. The future of acting in Kenya requires a major switch from raw acting talent to skills-based approach to development of acting talent. The reason why most actors and actresses in Kenya are suffering is because they have very short acting lifespans. Most of them have a one show lifespan because they are talented but lack critical skills to sustain their craft.
The situation has been aggravated further by poor story development together with the ill conceived practice of characters fixing in our local stories. A fixed character is flat or static and tends to remain in a fixed mindset. They fail to switch characters and tend to transfer the same character from one show to another. These are two of the main reasons most of our local stories lack depth and complexity.
In reality, Acting requires skills more than talent. Infact, it involves a broad range of skills, tools and techniques which are supported by talent for excellent performance. Training in acting techniques increases an actors ability to understand the different camera shots and gain understanding of how frames inform your acting performance.
Our appeal to young and upcoming actors, as you set out to make your way in the world of professional acting whether acting for Film, television or Theatre, you will need to train and develop skills that will help you realize your full potential as an actor . Come learn how to get physical, how to get emotional and being present with your acting.
From 25th April 2022 Afttti will be hosting a series of acting workshops towards closing the gaps on performing skills. The workshops will focus on five topics and each topic will take five days to cover.
Book a slot for the Acting Workshops with the legendary actors and mentors Arabron Nnyeneque and Suki Nyadawa in partnership with Afttti Training Institute.
Come Learn from those who understand the craft well or better than you do! To register please call:0729653209 / +254114224400 or fill the registration form below!!