Be a Star

Be a Star


The BE A STAR Bootcamp is an exciting and elaborate mentorship and training program organized by Afttti Training Institute (AFTTTI for youngsters aged 5-19 years.

The program, which is in its 12th EDITION, has been running for the last 7 years and usually targets young people in and out of schools.

The bootcamp usually takes place during holidays and focuses on four thematic areas:-Talent spotting & development, confidence building, goal setting and Fun & social skills. The participants are trained and mentored by competent and experienced professionals in the specific areas covered.

The goal of the program is to equip participants with power skills necessary to support their thinking and learning as they explore and grow their talents while challenging them to take control of their lives.

It is usually 7 days of mentorship, self-discovery and fun as participants learn to create life of choice around things that are important to them.

The Program serves to

  • Constructively engage the participants during the holidays through fun, learning and practicing.
  • Provide opportunity for participants to learn new skills & explore new interests.
  • Platform for Talent discovery, nurturing and progression.
  • Expose the kids’ talents to the outside world via productions and products made during the workshop.
  • Create a forum for interaction with new things, environment and people to better their social lives.
  • Develop participants’ capacity for enhanced Confidence and self esteem.


  • Constructively engage the participants during the holidays through fun, learning and practicing.
  • Provide opportunity for participants to learn new skills & explore new interests.
  • Platform for Talent discovery, nurturing and progression.
  • Expose the kids’ talents to the outside world via productions and products made during the workshop.
  • Create a forum for interaction with new things, environment and people to better their social lives.
  • Develop participants’ capacity for enhanced Confidence and self esteem.
  • Payment

    To book for a slot, make Payment via MPESA as follows;

    • Select lipa na MPESA
    • Select Paybill
    • Business Number 522522
    • Account number 6064522
    • Enter Amount.

    Please remember to send back a text confirming payment to +254114224400. Thanks

    Be A Star
    Fill out the form carefully for registration

    Acting Workshops Registration Form